This calculator helps you estimate your Singapore personal income tax and CPF contributions for Year of Assessment 2024 (income earned in 2023). Note: Please read the Disclaimer before using this calculator.
Choose your age group from the dropdown menu. This affects your CPF contribution rates:
Choose whether to include CPF contributions in your calculation:
Input your total annual income:
Get your tax calculation by either:
The calculator will display:
Singapore uses a progressive tax rate system where higher income is taxed at higher rates:
The highest tax rate of 24% only applies to chargeable income exceeding $1,000,000.
For detailed tax brackets, please refer to the "Tax Buckets" tab.
You are generally considered a tax resident if you meet any of these conditions:
Note: Different tax rates apply to non-residents. This calculator is designed for tax residents only.
For official determination of your tax residency status, please consult IRAS.
The calculation process follows these steps:
Important: This calculator only considers CPF deductions. For a complete tax assessment including all eligible reliefs and deductions, please use the IRAS tax calculator.
Singapore uses a progressive tax system where higher income is taxed at progressively higher rates. Here's how it works:
If your chargeable income is $50,000:
Chargeable Income | Tax Rate |
The Central Provident Fund (CPF) is a mandatory social security savings scheme for working Singaporeans and Permanent Residents.
For an employee aged below 55 with monthly salary of $8,000:
Note: Any income above $6,800 is not subject to CPF contributions.
Age Group | Employee Contribution | Employer Contribution | Monthly Salary Ceiling |
Important: For detailed CPF information and official calculations, please visit the CPF Board website.
Tax rates and CPF contribution rates shown are based on publicly available information as of 2024. These rates may change, and users should verify the current rates from official sources.
By using this calculator, you acknowledge that you understand these limitations and will not rely solely on this tool for making financial or tax-related decisions.